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A Day in the Life of the Summit

Welcome to our first ever blog post! I wanted to start this blog off by giving you a glimpse into what a day looks like at the Summit. Thanks for stopping by and I hope that this will give insight in how you can pray for us as we disciple women!

Rise and Shine!

Monday through Friday our ladies get up at 6:45 am and begin their day with chores and breakfast. After breakfast they go to the great room or outside on the deck and have 30 minutes of personal study and prayer time with the Lord. We know how vital it is to start our day with God’s Word and praying for His guidance for the day.

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Two mornings each week we walk for about forty-five minutes. We feel this gives the ladies an opportunity to get fresh air, exercise, and fellowship with one another.

After the ladies have their personal devotion and morning walk (only two days a week for the walk) they will then spend two hours in our Individualized Study Program. This is one component of intensive discipleship where they will do Bible study, scripture memorization, character qualities, and other projects based on their spiritual maturity and biblical understanding. This is where as we get to know each lady and their unique struggles, we can individualize parts of their biblical studies that address those specific issues. We do this class Monday through Friday.

Another component of intensive discipleship is Group Studies. The ladies will spend one hour three days a week in group participating in biblical studies that are targeted to specific areas like, parenting, childhood abuses, relationships, forgiveness, heart attitudes and various other topics. Group studies give the ladies an opportunity to ask questions, share struggles and discuss how to practically walk it out God’s way

God’s Word is Sufficient!

We believe God’s Word is inerrant, authoritative, and sufficient and through the power of the Holy Spirit and studying His word lives are transformed. We know that the power of the gospel saves and transforms lives! This is why we spend our mornings reading, studying, and learning God’s Word and how it is applicable for all aspects of our lives. It is our desire that each lady have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and know how to walk in His ways.

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Our afternoons are filled various activities, ranging from Northeast AL Community College helping ladies obtain their GED and Ready to Work skills, yard work, deep cleaning, trips to get ice cream, pool time, personal reading, fellowship, and many other activities.

Twice a month we have a special group of ladies that come and teach our ladies how to sew, quilt, mend clothes, crochet, and many other fun crafts. This group of ladies has been faithful for several years, and we are so blessed that they are a part of our ministry! We love that each lady can make a quilt and other crafts that she will be able to take home when she graduates.

We are so blessed at the Summit. We have a wonderful community that has supported us financially, through donations, through prayer and we are very grateful. We also want to serve and give back and we think that is important for our ladies to learn how to serve and give to others so we love to look for opportunities where we can serve in our local churches and community. Our ladies over the years have been able to help with vacation bible school, fall festival, Bread of Life, Nehemiah Teams, Ponderosa Bible Camp, cooking and serving meals.

And let us not forget all the fun things we at the Summit do like lake day, Christian concerts, on occasion eating at a nice restaurant, hiking, site seeing and many others fun activities.

We at the Summit are a family. We love spending time together and we want each lady to feel loved, and a part of not only the Summit family but the family of God.

As you can see, we are so very blessed by a Savior who loves us, churches who support us and a community that has been so gracious to us. We are so very thankful to all who make “A Day in the Life of the Summit” possible, but most of all we are grateful to God who has done what no man could ever do on his own!


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